crop intel creates new opportunities

Adding Crop Intelligence to your tool kit creates a number of new opportunities for your farm. Here’s what we know from data analysis and firsthand experience with farmers and agronomists.


The Crop Intelligence app interprets data and that can help you:


  • Develop a baseline

Weather stations and environmental sensor technology is more reliable and affordable to implement. With farm-specific soil moisture and rainfall data you can develop a baseline of crop-available water on your fields. You will also establish a farm-specific weather database.

  • Gain insights related to root activity and timing

A significant portion of a crop’s biomass exists below the surface, yet we have traditionally given root development almost no consideration. By monitoring soil moisture throughout the growing season, you can gain insights related to root activity and timing. You can now track the rate and timing of crop water usage and observe correlations between growing conditions and crop health.

  • Set smarter yield goals

Soil moisture data represents a previously unquantified piece of important information that can directly inform yield. This valuable knowledge can be incorporated into the process of identifying realistic yield goals specific to your fields and management zones.

  • Capture additional yield

Year-to-year variability in soil moisture and precipitation contributes to yield unpredictability. Early season indicators of yield potential provide valuable information for in-season decision-making. During years where there is higher than expected yield potential, there may be an opportunity to capture additional yield. Based on our data, management decisions can be tailored to secure additional bushels, grain protein or quality.

  • Create agronomic partnerships

Strong agronomic partnerships are critical to a successful farm. Crop Intelligence allows customers and their agronomists to work together to make more informed decisions—which can contribute to profitability increases.


There are many great opportunities that arise when you start using Crop Intelligence. Are you curious about how our Crop Intelligence app works? Learn more about it here.