The best way to access insights on the water available to your crop.
The Crop Intelligence Dryland Insights Subscription gives you access to the full suite of insights and tools offered by Crop Intelligence to help you make decisions about how to best manage your dryland crop both in season and year over year.
For more information or to purchase contact your local Crop Intelligence Vendor
Crop Intelligence Dryland Insights Subscription Features Overview
7 Day Weather Forecast For Stations GPS Position
Temperature - Current & Historical Graph
Daily High & Low Temperature
Frost Event Log
24hr Rain - Current & Historical
Accumulated Rain
% of 30 Year Average Rain
Rainfall Adjustment
Wind Speed – Current & Historical
Max or Gust Wind Speed - Hardware Dependant
Humidity - Current & Historical
Accumulated GDD (Growing Degree Days) - You Select Base Temperature
Soil Temperature (if equipped) - Current & Historical Graph
Solar Radiation (if equipped) - Current & Historical Graph
VCC & Charge (Station Health)
Export environmental data in .xlsx
Set crop type and yield target by zone
WDYP graph and values displayed for each day.
Adjusted WDYP graph and values displayed for each day - use Adjusted Water Driven Yield Potential to customize to your specific soil type and water availability at depth.
10 Year Average Rain Displayed For Each Date
Actual Rain Displayed for Each Date
Available Water Displayed for Each Date
Accumulated Current Rain Displayed for Each Date
Accumulated 30 yr Rain Displayed for Each Date
Export Yield Potential data in .xlsx file
Hourly Soil Moisture Readings
Soil Moisture Graph Displays Readings From 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, 50cm, 70cm, 100cm
Display moisture by date range
Field Capacity displayed for your specific soil texture
Permanent Wilting Point displayed for your specific soil texture
Quick look soil moisture profile bar
Root Growth indicator icons
Daily Soil Moisture Change By Depth Bar Graph
Daily Total Soil Moisture Change Bar Graph
Custom set your soil texture by soil moisture sensor
Export soil moisture data in .xlsx file
Automatically distributed to your app and email to have information on moisture change for the last 7 days, temperature and percipitation at your fingertips for in season decision making. An example report is below.
Automatically distributed to your app and email to summarize the growing season - putting the informaiton you need to help plan for next years crop right at your fingertips. An example report is below.
A trusted Agronomist can be added to your account and complete in season scouting reports right from the app on their phone that are then displayed inside the application for you the customer to view. An example of the data from an in season scouting report displayed in the app is below.
Share environmental data with unlimited other users. Create your own network of local weather stations by sharing your weather information with others. You control your data and can choose who can see the information from your stations.
Hardware Management
Onboarding Zones
John Deere Operations Center API Connection - for more information visit our API connections site at:
Receive email or push notifications to your phone for individual readings or a combination of readings.
Build your own models to scout for certain crop conditions.
Enable customized alerts for environmental weather factors: Air temperature, soil temperature, delta t, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, leaf wetness, water driven yield potential, available water and moisture level by sensor depth can all generate alerts.**
Pre-set alerts toolbox alerts for rain, frost, soil temp, root activity, irrigation
** alerts available dependent on your station configuration
Your trusted agronomic partner can create "In Season Visit" scouting reports right from the app by zone and share directly with you inside the app.
Connect your trusted agronomist - Share your below ground and above ground data and insights with your trusted agronomist to allow them to easily help identify insights to drive the best use of your available water.
Compare multiple zones in one account in one crop year
Soil Information for onboarding each zone (slope / type / organic carbon / soil classification / region)
Document Growth Stage
Document fertility by zone
Document soil test by zone
Document application by zone
Document Field Organic Matter by zone
Document Field Notes by zone
Document Seeding Date by zone
Set Custom Rainfall Down Limits
Document Field history by zone (crop, yield, yield factors)
Spray Conditions Tool: At a glance dashboard to factor weather conditions into spraying decisions and a historical log of spray conditions for every day during the growing season.
Rainfall Scenarios: To easily model future rainfall and the effect it will have on your Water Driven Yield Potential in season.
Next Year Potential Calculator: Gives insight on Water Driven Yield Potential for different types of crops next year.